Sex Island

Jan 24, 2020

The Amazing Benefits of Sex

When we talk about sex, the first thing that comes into our minds is pleasure. Most people want to have sex because it feels good, and we are designed to reproduce. We have sex because it is satisfying. We have sex because it is in our nature as human beings. The world is revolving because of sex. Even animals have sex. Sex is a natural part of our lives. Sex is the key to avoid the extinction of many species because it creates life. Many entities on this planet believe in the wonders and pleasure of sex. Humans have this inevitable cling to sex because, aside from reproduction, it is undeniably enjoyable. This is the reason why networks and sites with sexual themes are in demand. Sex Island Co is just one of the many sexual platforms in the world wide web, and while it endorses sexual pleasure worldwide, it also acknowledges the marvelous benefits of sex in the lives of men and women. Yes! Sex is fun. Sex is exciting. And sex is healthy.

So aside from gratification, what do we get from having sex?

Sex boosts your immune system - according to many studies, people who have sex regularly are producing higher levels of antibodies in their bodies. Sex is not just limited to fulfilling orgasms; it builds fighters against intruders like germs and viruses. Regular sex can be an effective strategy to avoid colds and flu.

Sex initiates quality sleep - it has been proven that orgasm increases the production of sedating hormones such as oxytocin and endorphin. If you find it hard to sleep soundly at night, you might as well try to have sex before bedtime. Frequent orgasm is a potent initiator of tranquilizing substances inside your body. Get laid and sleep tight.

Sex is a form of exercise - to have a healthy body, we need to keep our muscles working, and that includes our heart. Much research has demonstrated that sex is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, so that means when you have sex regularly, it reduces your risk for heart attack. Protect your heart by getting regular orgasms.

Sex is a potent pain reliever - orgasms increase the production of endorphins inside your body, and this chemical effectively fights against pain. Aside from reducing any form of agony in your body, it also boosts your happiness. Sex is a double-edged sword with both favorable consequences. Stay away from pain, and be happy, have sex frequently.

Sex lowers your blood pressure - during orgasm, you forget all the stress and pressures of life temporarily and lessens negative emotion. Your brain activity is focused on releasing chemicals that create positive effects in your body, including low blood pressure. The risk for hypertension will drop, and you get to feel awesome.

Sex can reduce men’s chance to acquire prostate cancer - a study made by the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown that frequent ejaculation can lower men’s risk for prostate cancer. This surprising benefit is not only limited to sexual intercourse, but it also applies to regular masturbation and nocturnal emission.

Sex eases stress and anxiety - being close to someone and feeling the heat of your partner is not just about romance and orgasm. It is also a sure way to the production of feel-good hormones. Sexual activities trigger your brain’s pleasure and reward system.

Sex makes you attractive - during sex, you release increased pheromones. It is a chemical that elevates your appeal to the opposite sex. When you have sex regularly, you become good-looking and alluring.

Science and research have already proven the multiple benefits of sex. It eliminates stress, reduces the chance of depression, cures headaches, strengthens bones and muscles, improves fertility, fights insomnia, and improves your self-esteem. Sex offers you a healthy glow and allows quality living. Sex lengthens your life. Have sex and eat right. Have sex and stay active. If you have multiple partners, always use condoms.

Slash the guilt and fear, find your way to Sex Island Co, and have the best sex experience. Remember, life is better when you have sex and enjoy orgasm frequently.
